Bring on the Harvest
The Caldarium is hopping! The last of the fresh is being collected and preserved for use in our products. For those that don't know, we grow or wild harvest as many of the spices, herbs and medicinals as we can in our climate. We believe in the idea that 'Fresh is Best' as from the time of harvest, plants begin to experience nutrition atrophy. This is why we find very little medicinal value in most bulk, dried imports and we choose to grow what we can.
Plants like Lavender, Geranium, Chamomile, Calendula, Sage, Rosemary, Yarrow, Echinacea, a variety of Mints and of course Roses are a standard in our medicinal garden.
We also hold a growing variety of experimentals like Marshmallow, Feverfew, Bergamot, and Boneset to name a few. We are always looking to find more ways to incorporate fresh grown plants into our OSW products. Product research and development at the Caldarium is a constant, all be it slow and seasonal.
Some plants don't play nice in our eurocentric garden model, so throughout the year we wild harvest a variety of plants including Jewelweed, Plantain, Mullein, Dandelion, and Red Clover. Simply put, this means that these plants have a wilder, more feral growth pattern and we seek them out in their natural habitats.
There is such magic in the discovery of what plants can offer to humans. Each season brings with it a new brilliance and of course a new challenge. For those that work the land, we eventually learn that the best harvest can only come from an appreciation of diversity and patience and attentiveness, also qualities that could do good to extend beyond the garden. You learn you cannot be in charge, you can only be in cooperation with the land and the changing of the seasons in a huge reminder of that fact.
The plant growing cycle may be coming to an end while nature slinks into slumber yielding time to contemplate new intentions, but in the meantime, let's take some time to bask in the beautiful colors and the remainder of the sun's warmth.
Enjoy your Bounty, Pile up those Leaves.... and Jump!
Happy Autumn Sweet Soapsters,